Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Thank you

We started in saying "Hi!"
Yet, end up with sweet "Good byes!"
Time is slowly passing by
And I can do nothing buy to cry

From the day you've passed away
Then my life turns to gray
In which all I can do is to pray
That you where here by my side to stay.

I am now at my twilight
The stage where i can see no more light
From the day I can't see you in my sight
I don't longer knew how to stand for a fight.

For all the things we've done through
I want you to know that my love is true
That my life is not enough to say "I love you!"
For all things we've done through all I can say is "Thank you!"

Monday, September 15, 2008


I Surrender

You have lot of pretension
And it is obvious in your action
Then became your obsession
Now, you keep on holding on

To be yourself is the best
For you can be able to take all the risk
That even sometimes you look like a jest
Still you are above the rest.

Lie is what surrounds you
Today you can't be true
Hope is for tomorrow
For all the things is what we borrow.

You are criminal by pretension
Executed by the evidence of emotion
You can escape if you have a feather
But now is the best time for you to say ...
"I surrender!..."